This blog cannot and does not speak for the myriad autonomous anti-bedroom tax groups across merseyside and the UK.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

One Vision Housing harassing tenants into signing bedroom tax legal disclaimers

Combat the Bedroom Tax has just been informed that One Vision Housing, a housing association based in Liverpool, have begun sending out letters, “legal disclaimers”, to tenants to be signed and witnessed by a third party saying that the tenant understands they have to pay the shortfall in housing benefit and if they fall behind they’ll be subject to legal action.

The source, a legal aid, says that the letter is a legal affidavit document that can be used against tenants in a court of law.

This is a clear indication of the shameful treatment of tenants, by housing associations, as they struggle to work out how they’ll meet the bedroom tax. It fits in with the tactics Riverside Housing have been using, another housing association based in Liverpool, which involves phoning up tenants and getting them to make statements regarding whether they will be staying & paying or moving. And we've been reliably informed that Riverside housing are using this to scare tenants into paying the bedroom tax.

Tenants should not be forced into signing these documents or answering questions over the phone without the full implications of doing so from a legal source.

If you are being harassed by your housing association, just say to them you need time to consider the documents you are being asked to sign or the questions you’re being asked to answer.

In the mean time, let them know what you think about their harassment tactics on twitter @ovhousing and @riversideuk

Thanks to Stand Up In Bootle! for details

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